Product code 186000190
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Symmetry 300 C18

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Reproducibility is a number one priority in Symmetry® columns. These columns are engineered with high purity raw materials, tightly controlled manufacturing processes and column packing procedures that provide you with the best, most reproducible HPLC columns available.

Narrow column specifications help you to achieve reproducible results. The surface coverage requirements of Symmetry Columns are the tightest specifications in the industry, resulting in minimal shifts in resolution and more reproducibility from batch-to-batch and column-to-column.

Created around Waters proven silica-based, Symmetry® reversed-phase HPLC chemistries, these wide-pore, 300Å columns are well suited for the separation, lab-scale isolation, and HPLC analysis of proteins and other biological compounds.

  • Ideal for protein/peptide analysis
  • Excellent peak shape (UV and MS)
  • High peak capacity

Specification Compare to others

Symmetry 300 C18 2.0 - 8.0
Reversed-Phase 6000 / 414
Silica/C18 N/A
4.6 8.5 %
100 45
3.5 Yes

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