Product code PSS837813
Overal raiting

Spherisorb OD/CN

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Waters Spherisorb® columns are one of the most widely referenced HPLC columns in the scientific literature. There are over 2000 analytical abstracts published on Waters Spherisorb columns, providing a tremendous range of validated methods and applications to assist you in your method development process. These columns (or cartridge endfittings) are supplied with Parker-style tube/column endfittings.

One of the great advantages of choosing Waters Spherisorb columns is the range of choices available to you. They are produced in a wide range of sizes and bonded phases to meet your chromatographic needs. Silica is produced in 3, 5, and 10 micron particle sizes. In addition, the high quality bonded phases give many different and unique separation selectivities.

Spherisorb® columns are available with various bonded phases (ODS1, ODS2, C8, C6, C1, Phenyl, Amino, Cyano, SAX, SCX, Unbonded Silica) and dimensions.

Specification Compare to others

Spherisorb OD/CN 2.0 - 8.0
Normal-Phase/Reversed-Phase 6000 / 414
Silica/CN 220
4.6 5.0 %
150 45
5.0 Yes

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