Product code 00D-4311-E0
Overal raiting

Aqua C18

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We recommend Synergi Hydro-RP an improved alternative to Aqua 125 Å

Aqua is a polar encapped column that can be used for analysis of small peptides and small pharmaceuticals

C18 phase detail
125 Å C18
125 Å Aqua C18 columns are recommended for analysis of small pharmaceutical and peptide analyses.

200 Å C18
200 Å Aqua C18 columns are recommended for analysis of large pharmaceuticals and small to mid-sized proteins (up to 55,000 mw).

Specification Compare to others

Phenomenex 125
Aqua C18 N/A
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C18 N/A
4.6 N/A
100 N/A
3.0 N/A

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