Product code 00F-4298-E0
Overal raiting

Prodigy Phenyl-3

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Guaranteed Replacement to Inertsil HPLC Columns

Prodigy™ columns have been developed as alternatives to the Inertsil® 3μ ODS-3, 5μ C8, C8-3, Phenyl-3, ODS-2, ODS-3 and ODS-3V packings. These phases represent a major advance in the analysis of basic, acidic and amphoteric compounds.

Phenyl-3 (PH-3) phase detail
Polymerically bonded ethyl-linked phenyl phase with the lowest hydrophobicity of the phenyl phases. Low hydrophobicity and no additional polar functionality result in aromatic interactions being most pronounced with this phase.

Specification Compare to others

Phenomenex 100
Prodigy Phenyl-3 N/A
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/Phenyl N/A
4.6 N/A
150 N/A
5.0 N/A

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