Product code 03A-3011-E0
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Chirex 3011

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Pirkle-brush Concept Chiral HPLC Columns
Chirex® HPLC columns utilizes Pirkle-brush concept for direct and indirect resolution of enantiomeric amines, alcohols, carboxylic acids, hydroxy acids, amino acids, ketones, lactones, ethers, esters, and other biologically active compounds. Chirex HPLC columns are available in eleven different stationary phases and offer:

  • High enantioselectivity
  • Easy scale-up from analytical to preparative analysis
  • Long column lifetimes
  • Fast run times

3011 (S)-tert-leucine and 3,5-dinitroaniline
(S)-tert-leucine and 3,5-dinitroaniline urea linkage, electron acceptor designed for the separation of:

  • carboxylic acids, amino acid derivatives

Specification Compare to others

Phenomenex 120
Chirex 3011 N/A
Chiral N/A
Silica/ Chiral selector N/A
4.6 N/A
30 N/A
5.0 N/A

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