Product code 00F-4448-P0-AX
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Luna PFP(2)

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One of the World's Leading HPLC Columns

Dependable, ultra-pure silica-based HPLC columns that offer an extensive variety of selectivities which are scalable from micro-bore to preparative and purification scale solutions.

  • Extensive line of rugged USP phases
  • Wide pH stability for long column lifetime and method flexibility
  • Easy method scalability from Fast LC to Preparative and Bulk Purification

Pentaflourophenyl groups bound to silica surface for a unique aromatic selectivity due to highly electronegative fluorine atoms on the periphery of the phenyl ring ligand.

Specification Compare to others

Phenomenex 100
Luna PFP(2) N/A
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/ Pentafluorophenyl N/A
21.2 N/A
150 N/A
5.0 N/A

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