Product code AA20S111520WT
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YMC-Pack ODS-A, YMC’s classic reversed phase column, is renowned worldwide because of its unique performance and reproducibility. Due to this high quality, YMC-Pack ODS-A is successfully used for the validation of analytical HPLC methods and for long term reproducible preparative HPLC processes.
  • fully endcapped C18 material
  • classic “workhorse” phase
  • highly versatile ODS phase
  • for polar to moderately nonpolar pharmaceuticals, organic chemicals, biologicals and natural products
The production of the base silica for ODS-A and the subsequent derivatisation process are both performed in large bulk batches to give large quantities of highly reproducible material. Exhaustive endcapping reliably reduces the activity of residual silanol groups and minimises non-specific secondary retention.
The base of YMC-Pack ODS-A is YMC’s ultrapure silica. This is of great consequence because metal contaminants in silica can cause significant tailing of sample molecules such as acetylacetone or 8- hydroxyquinoline by formation of coordination complexes on the silica surface.
YMC-Pack ODS-A is frequently used for pharmaceutical, biochemical and environmental applications as well as for separations in the field of food technology.

Specification Compare to others

YMC 200
YMC-Pack ODS-A 2.0 - 7.5
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C18 175
20.0 12.0 %
150 N/A
11.0 Yes

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