Product code 108085-2105
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Sepax Bio 300 C8

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Sepax Bio-C8 Columns                                   

Bio-C8 phase is made of monomeric and fully endcapped chemistry. The uniform stationary phase allows the separation to achieve high selectivity and high efficiency. Bio-C8 packings of 200 and 300 Å pore size selection are ideal for high resolution mapping of peptides and separation of natural and synthetic peptides and small proteins.


  • Highly controlled chemistry of monolayer formation and end-capping
  • Extremely high column-to-column reproducibility
  • High selectivity and efficiency for separations
  • Full coverage bonded silica packing to achieve the exceptionally high stability
  • Suitable for separations of acidic, neutral and basic organic compounds, such as pharmaceuticals, peptides, and organic acids

Specification Compare to others

Sepax Technologies 300
Sepax Bio 300 C8 N/A
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C8 105
2.1 4.0 %
50 N/A
5.0 Yes

Product usage

Peptides, Basic compounds, Acidic compounds, Pharmaceutical molecules, Neutral compounds,

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