Product code AQ20S051510WT
Overal raiting


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  • “hydrophilic” C18
  • balanced surface chemistry
  • polar recognition
  • metabolite recognition
The recommended pH range for YMC-Pack ODS-AQ is 2-7,5 in up to 100% aqueous systems and a maximum of 50 °C. Remove acid and buffer salts before storage. Store the column in methanol / water = 70/30. Clogged inlet frits often can be cleaned by changing the flow direction or replacement.
Analytes: great for highly polar compounds

Specification Compare to others

YMC 200
YMC-Pack ODS-AQ 2.0 - 7.5
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C18 175
10.0 10.0 %
150 N/A
5.0 Yes

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