Product code TM12S0310F0
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YMC-Pack TMS (C1)

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YMC-Pack C1 is bonded with trimethylmonochlorosilane to create a phase with intermediate polarity for separation of extremely hydrophobic compounds using conventional reversed phase solvents and of highly polar compounds using normal phase solvents.

The unique chemistry of TMS is also well-suited for the analysis of multifunctional compounds. Selectivity characteristics of a C1 bonded phase can be unique, and samples must be tested to determine the applicability of the phase.



  • solid phase with the lowest hydrophobicity among reversed phase packing materials
  • shortest of all alkyl bonded phases
  • intermediate polarity between normal phase silica and other alkyl bonded reversed phases
  • operates in either a normal phase or reversed phase mode

YMC-Pack C1 is a unique bonded phase suitable for samples that exhibit strong retention characteristics and are difficult or impossible to separate on conventional reversed phase or normal phase packings.

Specification Compare to others

YMC 120
YMC-Pack TMS (C1) 2.0 - 7.5
Normal-Phase/Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C1 330
0.1 4.0 %
100 N/A
3.0 N/A

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