Product code 81013
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Price: € 572.00

Inspire C18

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Inspire™ is a new brand of our columns and has fast become our top seller. Inspire™ columns are engineered with high purity raw silica, proprietary bonding techniques, tightly controlled manufacturing processes, and column packing procedures that provide today's chromatographic laboratories with HPLC columns of unrivaled performance:

  • High efficiency
  • Long lifetime
  • Stable from pH 1 - 11
  • Efficient method development
  • Outstanding selectivity
  • Extreme resolution
  • Excellent batch-to-batch reproducibility

Inspire™ currently offers both C18, C8, Diol and pure silica stationary phases. Column length varies from 50 mm to 250 mm and column caliber can be selected from either 2.1 mm or 4.6 mm. Any given combination of specifications will yield columns that fully satisfy the needs of HPLC and LC-MS analysis.

Specification Compare to others

Dikma Technologies Inc. 100
Inspire C18 1.0 - 11.0
Reversed-Phase 5000 / 345
Silica/C18 440
2.1 27.0 %
150 N/A
3.0 Yes

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