Product code 57594
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IonPac AS15

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The IonPac® AS15 column was designed specifically for analysis of trace anions in high-purity water matrices, for the semiconductor and power generation industries. Its high capacity and selectivity enable the determination of trace-level concentrations of inorganic anions and low-molecular-weight organic acids in high-purity water matrices. The new IonPac AS15 Capillary Column is packed with the same material as the equivalent standard bore version (providing the same performance as a 4 mm column) but requires only 1/100th the eluent flow rate. The capillary format provides the advantage of significantly reduced eluent consumption, which helps reduce operating costs.

  • AS15-5μm (3 × 150 mm) column for high efficiency, fast analysis (15 min)
  • AS15-9μm (2 × 250, 4 × 250 mm, and 0.4 × 250 mm) columns for higher-capacity applications
  • Column selectivity optimized for 30 °C operating temperature
  • Superior resolution of early-eluting anions (fluoride, glycolate, acetate, and formate)

This column is ideal for use with large-loop injections. Use the AC15 concentration column for ultratrace (ppt) analyses. Use with eluent generation for simplified eluent preparation.

Specification Compare to others

Dionex 100
IonPac AS15 0.0 - 14.0
Anion-Exchange 4000 / 276
Quaternary ammonium N/A
3.0 N/A
150 N/A
9.0 N/A

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