Product code 186002028
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Atlantis HILIC Silica

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Atlantis HILIC Silica Columns for enhanced retention of polar compounds

Hydrophilic Interaction Chromatography (HILIC) is a chromatographic technique that can be used to improve retention of very polar species that are poorly retained by reversed-phase chromatography.

Atlantis HILIC Silica columns employ an organic-rich mobile phase to induce retention, therefore providing increased mass spectrometry response, making HILIC an attractive technique for bionalytical scientists. 

Atlantis HILIC Silica columns are used in combination with high organic mobile phases (>80% acetonitrile) to provide retention of analytes that are simply too polar to be retained by reverse-phase chromatography. HILIC separation mechanisms provide orthogonal analyte selectivity compared to traditional chromatographic reversed-phase approaches.

Specification Compare to others

Atlantis HILIC Silica 1.0 - 5.0
Silica 330
4.6 N/A
50 45
5.0 N/A

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