Product code 00H-3147-K0
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PolySep-SEC GFC-P Linear

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Aqueous GFC Columns

PolySep-GFC-P columns are well suited for the separation of water-soluble polymers including synthetic small molecules, peptides, and proteins, especially mixtures that are comprised of very low or very high molecular weight (MW) compounds or a mixture of both. The polymer backbone provides low nonspecific interaction, good mechanical strength, and wide pH operating range.

  • Recommended for surfactants, PEGs, and polysaccharides
  • 6 phases available for very high or very low MW mixtures
  • Linear phase for samples with wide MW range

GFC-P Linear phase detail
Separation range from 1K – 10 M

Specification Compare to others

Phenomenex N/A
PolySep-SEC GFC-P Linear N/A
Size Exclusion N/A
Polymer N/A
7.8 N/A
300 N/A

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