Product code 00G-4167-E0
Overal raiting

Jupiter C4

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RP-HPLC for Protein/Peptide Analysis and Purification

Jupiter® HPLC columns offer optimized reversed phase solutions for protein and peptide characterization and purification.
Jupiter 300 - 300 Å columns are designed to analyze and purify intact proteins
Juptier Proteo - 90 Å columns are engineered for increased peak capacity and resolution of peptide maps as well as peptide separations

C4 phase detail
Jupiter 300 C4 columns are designed to analyze and purify intact proteins

  • For separation of intact proteins >10,000 MW
  • A low hydrophobicity phase for highly hydrophobic proteins
  • 1.5-10 pH stability for method ruggedness and easy protein removal
  • Direct scale-up to preparative and bulk materials
  • 300 Å also available in C18 and C5 bonded phases

Specification Compare to others

Phenomenex 300
Jupiter C4 N/A
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C4 N/A
4.6 N/A
250 N/A
5.0 N/A

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