Product code 7104-00
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J.T.Baker Wide-Pore Pre-Packed Reversed Phase Column

Get increased resistance to hydrolysis, greater stability at pH extremes, and reduced silanol interactions for higher recoveries from J.T.Baker® pre-packed analytical columns for reversed phase HPLC. These columns feature BAKERBOND phases, synthesized using tri-functional silane synthesis chemistry to help you get the results you need, and are available in narrow-pore and wide-pore variants. Both are relied upon every day for accurate results in HPLC analysis, from research to quality control.

Our Certificate of Analysis on each column includes the test chromatogram and data for efficiency, selectivity, peak asymmetry and back pressure.

Specification Compare to others

J.T. Baker 300
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C18 N/A
4.6 N/A
250 N/A
5.0 N/A

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