Product code CT99S052520WT
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The separation of geometric and positional isomers is a challenging task in reversed phase chromatography. Subtle molecular differences have to be recognised and resolved by the particular stationary phase. Sander et al. have shown conclusively that polymeric C30 HPLC stationary phases are able to discriminate isomeric structures of long chain molecules [1,2].
Compared to classical C18 stationary phases, YMC30 is much more hydrophobic. Even when pure organic eluents are applied, many sample solutes are retained.
The YMC30 stationary phase provides sufficient phase thickness to enhance interaction with long chained molecules (fig. 1). Therefore, geometric and positional isomers of conjugated double bonding systems are recognised and resolved by the YMC30 phase. The resolving power of YMC30 for isomers can be verified by the separation of carotenoids, which has been subject of considerable research efforts in the past [1,2].
Carotenoids are found in a variety of natural sources including fruits and vegetables. In addition, carotenoids are considered as potential drugs for cancer intervention or prevention. Despite the complexity of carotenoid extracts and the minor shape differences between carotenoid isomers, the separation, identification and quantification of these compounds can be achieved by using YMC30 columns.

[1] Sander, L.C. and S.A. Wise; J. Chromatogr. 1993, 656, 335-351
[2] Sander, L.C. et al.; Anal. Chem. 1994, 66, 1667-1674


  • C30 chains
  • very lipophilic
  • exceptional selectivity pattern
  • isomer recognition
  • polar carotenes
  • polar and nonpolar xanthophylls
  • steroids
  • retinols
  • fat-soluble vitamins
  •  LC-MS applications

Specification Compare to others

YMC proprietary
YMC30 2.0 - 6.0
Reversed-Phase N/A
Silica/C30 proprietary
20.0 proprietary %
250 N/A
5.0 N/A

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