Product code 35393
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IonPac AS7

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The IonPac® AS7 separates a wide variety of polyvalent anions, including polyphosphates, polyphosphonates, and other polyvalent complexing agents such as EDTA and NTA using acidic eluent (eliminating metal interferences) with postcolumn derivatization and UV-Vis detection.

  • For polyvalent anions and chelating agents in complex sample matrices
  • Determines cyanide and sulfide using amperometric detection
  • Useful for hexavalent chromium in environmental matrices

The AS7 column has a unique polymer packing that provides superior performance for separating ionic and polar compounds. The patented packing offers high speed, high efficiency, and high loading capacity at moderate backpressures.

Specification Compare to others

Dionex N/A
IonPac AS7 0.0 - 14.0
Anion-Exchange 4000 / 276
Quaternary ammonium N/A
4.0 N/A
250 N/A
10.0 N/A

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