HPLC-MART the largest informative portal about HPLC columns and applications.
Currently our database contains information about:
15'175 columns from 18 column producers and 2616 applications
We are conitinuasly work to include in our database information about more columns and applications.
Our mission is to provide single point of truth for HPLC column users. We do our best provide users possibility to serch and find columns and applications that fits for your method development tasks. We welcome you share your feedback and experience with other users. and serch for application that could fit to their compounds.
We encorigge all column producers to join our 100% free database.
We welcome all column producers to provide information about their columns and related applications to our database. Its 100% free and will not require any financial investment.
Our database is a great information channel how to deliver information about your products and their advantages to HPLC user comunity.
Require detailed information from our support team at support@hplcmart.com
Our mission is to provide single point of truth for HPLC column users. We do our best provide users possibility to search and find columns and applications that fits for your method development tasks. We welcome you share your feedback and experience with other users.
Currently our database contains information about more than 26000 different columns and 4000 applications from all major producers. We are continuously work to include more information about columns and applications.
We welcome all column producers to provide information about their columns and related applications to our database. It’s 100% free and will not require any financial investment.
The HPLC-MART has been developed in cooperation of 3 professional companies working in field of HPLC:
1. ChromSword – professionals in HPLC method development software solutions to increase efficiency and accuracy of HPLC method development.
2. Institute of Chromatography – team of professionals that work in field of HPLC. Institute is specialized in fundamental and market oriented researches.
3. HPLC Solutions – Supplier and distributor of chromatography products. The target of the company is to provide to the customers most efficient solutions to support their laboratory work.
The project were created in cooperation with The Association of Latvian Chemical and Pharmaceutical industry (LAKIFA) for implementation cluster project for Pharma and related industries.
12th of September 2012 LAKIFA has signed contract No. L-KAP-12-0005 with Latvian Investment and development agency (LIAA) for „Development of cooperation within pharmaceutical and related industries with aim to develop efficiency and export by using combined strategy development, corporate logistics development and joint marketing and infrastructure development". Project implementation will be done by 2015.
Project development done with support of European Regional development fund.